2012/06/21 11:48:52
Yesterday, a delegation arrived in Samara Organizing Committee "Russia-2018" FIFA and experts. The delegation will check the airports, stadiums, and fans of the festival and meet with leaders of regional organizing committees. After that, experts will decide which cities will still participate in the championship. Who is entitled to claim 13 Russian cities and 15 stadiums. The final decision will be made at the end of September 2012.
Dear compatriots!
Due to the fact that now each of us can depend on the decision of the expert committee of FIFA, by definition, the participating cities to the 2018 World Cup, I would like to ask you:
-Walking the streets of Samara now be neat! Put on a clean shirt and new tie, if it's hot, then just to be a tie!
-Smile to others, a sudden dark-skinned guys, you are going to meet, not migrant workers, and welcome guests of FIFA!
-I wish you health, all strangers encountered on your journey today, especially those in which the reaction will be seen that they may not understand the hell you are!
-Dear sineboty, resting in the hot weather at public transport stops, I implore you, if someone asks you why you are in this form, introduce the guide to historical places of Samara in the form of a serf mid-19th century and run for dear guests a short tour of hot spots of our city!
-Coping small need for a bush, be prepared to admit that this method of irrigation is now the most progressive in the Crop, so universally implemented in our city. If celebrating a great need - say the same the truth not only about the watering, but also about fertilization!
-By accessing the 32nd to the 15th and the local gazelku at rush hour, do not use foul language, it is better just smile! Then each judge, passing by, even if it is from FIFA, in the words of your ass sticking out of the window of the vehicle will think: "In close quarters, but not mad!"
-All students, travelers on vacation, I suggest to the streets today and all day to play football. Where necessary and what is necessary. On sidewalks, lawns, roads, shops and hospitals, balls, stones, empty poltorashkami and other debris. Let the experts see our love for football!
-Just for today need to stop all work on the repair of roads in the city! Commission should explain that the road - is one of our main attractions, so they are recognized in Samara, a national monument, and now 250 years old are in the inviolable condition, under the watchful care of the whole population, which is simply praying on our roads - our greatest national treasure ! Well, the second national treasure everything is seen in the Euro.

Do you like football, like Samara, and may be after 6 years they will merge in one ecstatic!

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